August Magic

August Magic
Heart of the Savannah
Plush Basenji
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Where the Land Ends, and the Sea Begins,
the Magic Lives Forever


Recommended by ASPCA Animal Watch magazine as a novel that "celebrates animals and our connections with them."


Dog Writer's Association of America (DWAA) Maxwell Medallion nominee.


Best Friends magazine recommended August Magic as "One of the best animal books I have read in ages."

August Magic is the unforgettable story of a lonely young woman, a grade school teacher named Carolyn Adams, and her adopted shelter dog, a fifteen-year-old basenji she names Magic.

As August Magic unfolds, Carolyn and the old dog begin a friendship that leads them on a wondrous journey to the wild and beautiful Outer Banks.  Along the way, they learn about the history of each other, about the magical power of love and trust that is as much a part of life as living and breathing, and about the bittersweet victory of setting painful memories free.

Anyone who's ever adopted a dog; anyone who's ever loved a dog and had that love unconditionally returned; and anyone who's ever shared the beauty of their dog's autumn years -- will love August Magic.

Not since James Street wrote the classic Good-bye, My Lady over 40 years ago has a novel about a basenji had such far-reaching appeal.  While Street's Lady typified the basenji of his time (a fairly rare, relatively unknown breed), August Magic's “Ch. Windswept of Hatteras” (a.k.a. “Magic”) speaks for the dogs of our times -- both purebred and mix-bred -- who often find themselves at the mercy of our fast-paced society.

"August Magic is about second chances,
about the magic that people and companion animals can make together,
and about how saving a life can have a positive effect on your own."

--Veronica Anne Starbuck

If you've ever loved a dog, you'll love 

August Magic!


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304 pages; paperback; ISBN 0-9658488-4-1


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